Putting someone on a pedestal is never a good idea.

Putting someone older than you on a pedestal when you’re 17? A horrible idea.

Going on to pursue a weird pseudo relationship with them for 4 months after nearly a year of skating around each other? A million times worse.

You get let down. reminded that they’re only human. That you’re only as interesting as the frequency that you sext and text them with.

Once that starts dwindling?

They keep up the sweet talk. The nice words. Hell, im sure he even believed himself when he said those things, too.

But when it comes down to it?

I think, subconsciously, all he wanted was to fuck me. All he cared about was sexting. Me sending him nudes. Helping him get off. A fun little fantasy for the later hours of the night.

But then again, I have self worth issues. Thanks to a guy who literally did exactly that to me a few years ago. So maybe I’m biased and projecting. Let that be clearly stated.

He keeps referring to me in a round about ways as a “friend” (I think to help make himself feel better about what happened).

Like that’s all we were.

Like he didn’t say numerous times that if circumstances were different, our relationship would be too.

I don’t know, maybe this is me being an over sentimental and naive “teenage” girl, but that seems to imply some pretty deep emotional feelings towards, me right?

Except maybe when he said that, what he meant was, “if we lived closer, man, we could just like… bang ALL THE TIME. Can you imagine how great that would be, pal?”

He told me he hadn’t let himself get this close with anyone in a really long time.

I told him I’d only gotten close like this with one other person and he knew how that ended. Most of the gory details anyway. (See: me projecting my fears and insecurities from a previous relationship.)

How would you read that?

To me, I read that as, “wow, i think he really loves me, too.”

But i guess maybe i was projecting. I guess maybe my silly, emotional, teenage girl brain was having too much fun in the driver’s seat.

Maybe when he said that to me, what he really meant was, “wow, you know I don’t usually talk to the girls i fuck this often! This is pretty neat!”

But that sounds silly too, right?

Especially if he’s as mature and insightful as i thought he was? As he projects himself to be?

Like that’s some immature frat boy shit.

But that’s the only other way i can imagine being able to read those comments in a way that wasn’t emotionally charged. And i just find it hard to believe that that’s the truth.

He can keep saying over and over again that “we were never serious” and “i never wanted to hurt you” and “i respect you too much to lead you on” to make himself feel better.

But all that serves to do is gaslight my experience and invalidate my emotions. And it’s a downright lie. And he knows that, deep down underneath his victim complex (something we all have, to be fair, especially when we aren’t working to keep it in check).

But then, the way he’s acted, the choice he made?

I find it hard to believe he loved me at all.

Maybe he was confused.

Still, would have been nice to know that he was struggling with deciding if he liked fucking me or talking to me more if that’s the case.

That’s why i feel like all he cared about was sexting.

Why else would it be so easy for him to change his mind, to decide waiting a month to tell me and our weird relationship goodbye in a mutual and respectful way was just too much? And when that was his idea in the first place?

Why couldn’t he tell the girl he’s interested in now that he likes her, but he has a complicated situation he has to work out before they can start being serious?

That would have been the noble thing to do.

That would have been the respectful, loving thing to do.

And he didn’t.

To me, that says that he doesn’t think me or our relationship was important or meaningful enough to give me the decency of that kind of closure.

But maybe I’m being a hopelessly romantic teenage girl again. Maybe that’s a big, selfish thing for me to ask from someone I thought really loved me, too. Maybe I’m just being unreasonable. Wouldn’t be the first time anyway.

And there’s still a third way to interpret all this that I can think of.

Maybe he’s really, really good at keeping relationships with people in these neat boxes, and in his head, “friends with benefits” is a perfectly fine and neat box. And maybe that’s the box I was in.

Maybe my hurt feelings are a genuine surprise to him, because it simply just did not occur that maybe I’m not good at that.

Maybe i SUCK at keeping those kind of emotional boundaries. At having these neat lines in the sand and doing a phenomenal job at keeping the wind and waves from ruining them.

Maybe he really didn’t think i was in love with him.

I find that possible, but not probable.

Because that would be inconsistent with the earlier repeated phrases of his.

How can you say those things (many, many times by the way) and keep those sandy little lines neat and tidy like that? I don’t think you can. Unless your employing some SERIOUS emotional suppression and dissociation tactics.

And, even if he IS Just That Good, it doesn’t change the fact I told him I was concerned about our relationship. That i didn’t like how it was confusing and weird. That it was making me uncomfortable. That i wanted boundaries.

If you were involved with someone and they told you that, how would you read it?

Maybe I just truly am a Superior Human Being when compared to everyone else in terms of compassion/empathy, but to me, that reads very clearly as,

“Fuck, she’s feeling pretty insecure about this. I think she probably doesn’t feel good about being involved in something that isn’t defined with clear expectations. Maybe we should do something different.”

And when i expressed wanting boundaries that first time?

They lasted a week and a half.

Because he wore me down.

And suddenly we were sexting every night again. And things were at the same level of weird and confusing as before.

That was incredibly selfish on his part, let me just say that. (I’ve tried not to be overly accusatory in this but that one needs to be clearly stated as what it is.)

But maybe I’m completely wrong with all these assumptions and theories. Maybe it’s actually something completely, entirely different all together. At the end of the day, I don’t know. Maybe it isn’t my business to.

One more thing.

I think he genuinely thought and believed that, regardless of how things ended with us, it would be amicably. And it would end with us returning immediately to “just friends”.

But if you’ll remember, in my mind, he was on this pedestal. He was the first Great Guy i knew.

There was never a moment of our relationship where my side was “just friends”.

And even if there was?

You cant end a relationship (clearly defined or not) with someone you were in love with, and immediately go head first into being BESTIES! again. That’s not how grieving or break ups work. That’s not how healthy human beings work.

I haven’t talked to him about any of this.

Im grappling with the idea that “he doesn’t deserve to know what I’m thinking and feeling anymore”.

But the thing is, I’m a Virgo, and Virgo’s thrive off of telling people how they fucked up and how they can be better like nothing else. I have a weird thing with always wanting to make sure people who wronged me know exactly where, when, what time of day, and how they did it.

(Hence this incredibly long post where I essentially broke down every possible side of this situation from his perspective in an attempt to find some sort of sense in all of it. If you’re wondering, I haven’t found any other than that he might be much more one sided and insensitive than I was willing to let myself believe. *cough cough* pedestal *cough cough*)

I think that’s all for tonight.

Well, if someone stuck with this GIRAFFE of a post from a reeling and confused 19 year old girl, you’re amazing! I hope it was entertaining? Or maybe you could find a lesson in this? Or something?

Goodnight, my empty, quiet, neglected little blog.


I dont just want him to picture me naked.I wish he would try to imagine me bathed in morning sun slight,

Sleepy lids half closed

Warm light cascading over soft skin.

Try to feel how delicate my body might be fresh out of the shower.

Or how the steam from morning tea or coffee might hide my eyes from his.

The way my hair falls past my shoulders,

Giving way to gentle curves and slender hips.

To picture how my eyes light up with my smile; bright and full of life.

I wish his chest would ache at the thought of tears falling down my face;

leaving a trail to sad and disheartened eyes.

I wish i could give myself to you and that you would be open to me.

That i could have you too.

If even for a moment.

Hold you and have you look into my eyes so that you could see me.

Really see me.

Understand what was going through my head and get it all down too.

I wish that even in the dark you would find me beautiful.

Not just in looks but in thinking too.

That when you imagine all the roads and highways of thought in my head,

The train wrecks and five mile pile ups that happens there,

You found it beautiful and sensical too.

I wish that i could have you.

I wish that i could give myself to you.

If im honest with myself this is about Zach. But to be fair it is also just about what i want in general from someone someday soon. Maybe.

Also he said today when asked why he didnt want a girlfriend and “dont you want sex?” He said “ive had plenty of sex. And that just isnt what im looking for right now”

And sometimes the way he looks at me or looks in my eyes i cant tell what hes seeing there if he sees anything or what hes thinking either and it bugs me so much it drives me crazy. Ugh.

what is love to him

i asked him once if he had ever been in love.

he said he felt your life was probably pretty dull if you hadn’t experienced something like it by the time you turned 20.

now, i wonder how it felt to him.

was it a calm, warm, and fuzzy feeling?

or chaotic and hot?

did it steady him in his footing,

or drag him loose under the waves, lost in the turbulence?

if he could experience that kind of love again,

would he run to it?

Or ease himself back in slowly.

Testing the waters first with a toe,

Then gradually easing himself in the water,

Until it covers his face just below the nose?

I wonder if he would describe the waters as dark and opaque

or if he imagines it more as a clear and shimmering blue?

What did love feel like to him?

Is it different now than back then?


The bright florescent lights from the grocery store glow behind him, creating his dark silhouette in front of me.  He has his hands balled lazily in his pockets while he leans on the front of his car. The hood of his work sweatshirt is pulled up and over his green beanie; only moments earlier I poked fun at him, “Look at how thug you look with your hood like that!” as we walked out of work.

He’s watching me scroll through my playlist, a mix of songs I compiled under one word: Bangerz. I can see the outline of his smirk – the crinkle in his eyes, the laugh lines deepening as he watches me make a fool of myself in the poorly lit parking lot – while he endures my subjecting him to 679 by Fetty Wap, Kiss Me Thru the Phone by Souja Boy, and Ben Fold’s rendition of Bitches Ain’t Shit. He’s laughing at me-no with me, as I’m laughing at myself too.

We’re nearing the end of this interaction. He asks if the car I drove to work is my new one, straightening up from the hood of his car.

“No,” I say. “It’s my sisters. I have it while she’s in Florida. Which reminds me! I was meaning to ask you this but kept forgetting so here it is now” his right eyebrow raises and the corner of his mouth lifts up in an almost comical expression of ‘oh really? What is it now?’ “Can you pick me up for work and drop me off after work next Saturday?”

He tosses his head back dramatically, like I’m asking him a bigger favor than it is, but he can’t fully wipe off the smile from his face.

“Do you know how much longer my drive is going to be if I do that?!” he whines.

I laugh at him and say “What? Like five minutes?! C’mon please?” I beg a little.

He tilts his head back a little and looks at me, his face now set in mock defeat and a lazy half smile. “Yeah, ok. I can do that. Next Saturday?”

“Yep! Next Saturday. Thank you Zach.” I give him a big grin. I’m sure he shakes his head as he laughs at me.

I like to think maybe while I was jamming to those bangers in front of him all he could think about was what a cute dork I am. How pretty he might’ve thought I looked bathed in the streetlights of the parking lot while I did a terrible pseudo-dance to terrible rap music. How maybe he wished there was more time for us.

Other important things he said today:

I took off my glasses at one point and he came up as back up cashier and when he was done with the customer he turned and saw they were gone and said “Wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without glasses on before. You look alright.” And gave a quick nod of approval.

Later under similar circumstances, I had just come back from lunch and had been upstairs in the breakroom which is currently being remodeled. I was sitting in a booth seat covered in sawdust and hadn’t thought about what that might mean for my black pants. Zach, sly dog he is, as he’s turning to leave the check stand, goes, “Don’t take this to be inappropriate, but the backside of your pants are covered in dirt.” I just laughed and explained to him as I myself realized why that happened. I think I thanked him too for pointing it out.

I tend to be a pretty sassy lady, especially when we’re nearing closing because it’s been a long day and I’m tired. I can’t remember what it is that I said that prompted this comment, but he said something along the lines of, “wow, don’t hang around Naomi too much around closing; her fangs come out.” and i laughed and apologized and said something like I was working on being less mean and he said “No, keep it. It’s good” while his face was plastered in his signature Smirk of Approval because I swear to God that’s the only type of facial expression he makes; some kind of a smirk.

And that is Zach. The original Cute Coworker. And that is the most recent “development” if you could call it that.